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Supplier Directory Search Result:
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Name: Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
Primary Contact: Erin VanDehey
Primary Contact Email: EVanDehey@masonbruce.com
Address: 707 SW Washington St Ste 1300
Portland, OR 97205-3536
Phone: Phone: (503)224-3445
Fax: Fax: (503)224-6524
Website: http://www.masonbruce.com
Category: Consultants - Strategic Planning
Scientific Consultants
Name: Matheson Financial Advisors, Inc.
Primary Contact: Colvin T. Matheson
Primary Contact Email: cmatheson@mathesonadvisors.com
Address: 1451 Dolley Madison Blvd
Suite 220
McLean, VA 22101
Phone: Phone: (703)992-8390
Fax: Fax: (703)760-9121
Website: http://www.mathesonadvisors.com
Category: Consultants - Business Management
Consultants - Finance
Description: Matheson Financial Advisors is a corporate finance advisory firm providing a broad range of services including business valuations, ownership transition planning, mergers and acquisitions consulting, and other advisory services for architecture, engineering, construction, and environmental consulting firms, as well as government contractors.
Name: McMahon|Siegel Group
Primary Contact: Kevin J. McMahon
Primary Contact Email: kevin.mcmahon@mcmahonsiegelgroup.com
Address: 19154 Shadowood Circle
Monument, CO 80132
Phone: Phone: (719)488-5850
Website: http://www.mcmahonsiegelgroup.com
Category: Consultants - Finance
Consultants - Business Management
Consultants - Strategic Planning
Description: McMahon | Siegel Group was formed to provide both creative and pragmatic solutions to help leaders and companies achieve their goals. We are comprised of industry veterans who have extensive experience leading organizations who have faced the same challenges current leaders confront today. Our mission is to help individuals and firms achieve their strategic goals and deliver industry leading performance.
Name: Medjet Assistance LLC
Primary Contact: Tom Casey
Primary Contact Email: tcasey@medjet.com
Address: 3075 Healthy Way
Birmingham, AL 35243
Phone: Phone: (215)680-1496
Website: https://medjetassist.com/
Category: Travel - Planning Services
Description: Medjet is worldwide air medical transport that is available to members on a membership basis Medjet will arrange medical transport to members that are hospitalized on an inpatient basis more than 150 miles away from their home domestically or abroad the Hospital of their choice.
Name: MG+M The Law Firm
Primary Contact: David J. Hatem
Primary Contact Email: dhatem@donovanhatem.com
Address: 53 State St Fl 8th
Boston, MA 02109-3000
Phone: Phone: (617)406-4500
Fax: Fax: (617)406-4501
Website: http://www.donovanhatem.com
Category: Legal Services
Description: Donovan Hatem LLP is a multi-practice law firm comprised of more than 50 litigation and general business attorneys serving a diverse clientele of public and private companies, nonprofit organizations, government entities and individuals. The firm provides the highest quality legal services, delivered in a responsive manner by attorneys knowledgeable of both their clients' legal needs and strategic business issues.
Name: Milber Makris Plousadis & Seiden
Primary Contact: Richard Davies
Primary Contact Email: rdavies@milbermakris.com
Address: 1001 Old Cassatt RD Ste 310
Berwyn, PA 19312-1138
Phone: Phone: (610)677-2400
Fax: Fax: (610)251-1681
Website: http://www.milbermakris.com/index.php
Category: Legal Services
Description: MMPS is a law firm with a nationally recognized practice representing design professionals, particularly engineers, surveyors, geologists, special inspectors and architects.
Name: Morrissey Goodale LLC
Primary Contact: Corinne McCanse
Primary Contact Email: cmccanse@morrisseygoodale.com
Address: 209 W Central ST Ste 302
Natick, MA 01760-3765
Phone: Phone: (508)650-0040
Website: http://www.morrisseygoodale.com
Category: Consultants - Business Management
Description: Morrissey Goodale is a specialized management consulting and research firm exclusively serving the architecture, engineering, and environmental consulting industries.
Name: MPact Partners, LLC
Primary Contact: Courtney Salati
Primary Contact Email: courtney@mpactpartners.com
Address: 3694 Dartmoor Way
Zionsville, IN 46077-0025
Phone: Phone: (502)262-3080
Website: https://mpactpartners.com/
Description: Leadership Development: We offer tailored programs to build leadership competencies through engaging in-person, virtual, or hybrid sessions. These workshops are designed to equip engineers with the necessary skills to lead effectively in dynamic environments. Executive Coaching: appropriate for aspiring leader up through CEO. Our expert coaches guide engineers in understand their growth opportunities, developing actionable plans, and tracking progress toward desired outcomes. Organizational & Strategic Planning: We conduct culture analyses to assess the alignment between an organization’s culture and strategy, developing actionable plans to integrate the two. Additionally, we assist in structuring organizations for maximum efficiency and strategic success, supporting teams through transitions and growth. We are data experts on the growing trend of generational gaps in the engineering industry. 360 assessments and other custom team assessments. We believe in investing in data that drives action and development.
Name: Nasuni
Primary Contact: Parrish Blaszka
Primary Contact Email: pblaszka@nasuni.com
Address: One Marina Park Drive, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Phone: Phone: (857)444-8500
Fax: Fax: (508)651-0603
Website: http://www.nasuni.com
Category: Technology - Software
Technology - Hardware
Technology - Website Services
Technology – Cloud Service Provider
Description: software solution. This includes backup and DR, cyber security, and analytics. Nasuni delivers all this through a flexible cloud operating model for on-premises, edge, and public cloud environments, ensuring unmatched IT efficiency, resilience, and cost savings.
Name: National Tax Group
Primary Contact: Victoria Klee
Primary Contact Email: vklee@ntgadvantage.com
Address: 6801 Lake Worth RD Ste 209
Greenacres, FL 33467-2966
Phone: Phone: (561)257-3434
Website: https://ntgadvantage.com/
Category: Accounting & Tax Services
Description: National Tax Group offers a wide range of high-quality tax solutions. Our exceptional success rate comes from our in-depth knowledge and experience relating to the tax regulations associated with 179D, 45L, Cost Segregation, and Research & Development.
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